Hello 👋, I am Jean-Michel Daignan

Hello 👋, I am Jean-Michel Daignan

Data Scientist by Day, Meetup Organizer by Night, and When I Have Time Writing about Data and ML

Deploy a pipeline to collect data on Twitter and Google trends

Deploy a pipeline to collect data on Twitter and Google trends

Build a ventilator pressure predictor for Google Brain

Build a ventilator pressure predictor for Google Brain

Takeaways from RecSys 2021

Takeaways from RecSys 2021

Build an image classifier with fastai

Build an image classifier with fastai

Evaluation of recommender systems (metrics and baseline models)

Evaluation of recommender systems (metrics and baseline models)

Tune your machine learning workflow with weights and biases, mljar automl, hyperopt, shapash and evidently

Tune your machine learning workflow with weights and biases, mljar automl, hyperopt, shapash and evidently

Kickstart a big data project with AWS EMR and Pyspark

Kickstart a big data project with AWS EMR and Pyspark

Feedback and discoveries on RecSys 2020

Feedback and discoveries on RecSys 2020