Hello 👋, I am Jean-Michel Daignan

Hello 👋, I am Jean-Michel Daignan

Data Scientist by Day, Meetup Organizer by Night, and When I Have Time Writing about Data and ML

Music information retrieval with LibROSA and Beat Saber

Music information retrieval with LibROSA and Beat Saber

Be more efficient to produce machine learning pipeline with Metaflow

Be more efficient to produce machine learning pipeline with Metaflow

How to build a dataset for an image classifier from scratch (related to cars)

How to build a dataset for an image classifier from scratch (related to cars)

Dive in HearthStone from a data perspective

Dive in HearthStone from a data perspective

Be more effective to produce machine learning models with mlflow

Be more effective to produce machine learning models with mlflow

Crossfit Games - Retrospective of the Open 2019

Crossfit Games - Retrospective of the Open 2019

Doctor Who - Overview of NLTK

Doctor Who - Overview of NLTK

PUBG - Make analytics with AWS and plotly

PUBG - Make analytics with AWS and plotly